Key Benefits
Ultra Smart Features
with Cloud Power
Transform your living space with the Inspinia Mini Server, the heart of your smart home. This compact yet powerful device is designed to seamlessly integrate with various smart home systems, providing unparalleled control and efficiency.
Effortless Connectivity
Seamlessly integrates with multiple smart home systems, enabling smooth communication between devices.
Energy-Efficient Operation
Consumes a maximum of 2.5W, making it ideal for maintaining performance without high
energy costs.
Expandable Interface Options
Comes with 2 add-on ports that support various interfaces like KNX, Zigbee 3.0, Modbus, and more for greater system flexibility.
Power Supply Versatility
Can be powered through 24VDC or Passive Power over Ethernet (PoE), allowing for more flexible installation options.
Integration with Google & Apple HomeKit
seamlessly compatible with Google Home and Apple Home, the INSPINIA Mini Server enhances smart home integration, allowing effortless voice control and connectivity across popular platforms.
Compact Design
Small, space-saving design that can be easily mounted on a DIN rail, making it suitable for residential and commercial installations